I Thank God For His Gift

Marriage, unfortunately, for far too many, is seen as an “enjoy it for as long as you want and then trade your spouse for someone else.” Solving the problems that come with every relationship - not just with a wife or husband - are normal and natural. People have different values and expectations and often, rather than to try to understand and solve them, and grow together, tempers flare and a divorce occurs - leaving marred lives and shattered dreams. More often than not, both are equally responsible for refusing to be Christ-like and demonstrate the love of God to one another.
But Solomon made a statement that brought great delight to my ears: “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” In the original Hebrew, it reads: “He who finds a wife finds good.”
To grasp the meaning of this verse, we must understand that the word “good” means something like a “fortune” or “favor.” In the sight of God. A good wife and a good life are synonymous in God’s plan most of the time. This comes from the second chapter of Genesis.
What we must understand, however, is that it is the Lord who has given her to him. She is an expression of God’s “favor” bestowed upon the husband. Hence, a man cannot find a good wife on his own. A good wife comes as a favor from God and as with all of God’s favors, it must be sought diligently, carefully, and above all, prayerfully. We men must never be self-centered and think we deserve God’s gift of a wife. It is as stated: she is: “a favor from the Lord.”
Prayer: Father, grant us husbands the humility to accept and recognize the fact that our wives are Your favors. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord. 

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