Do You Care?

An elderly lady asked a young child, “How do you do, my dear?”
“Fine, thank you,” came the reply.
There was a pause, and finally the lady asked, “Why don’t you ask me how I am doing?”
After thinking for a moment, the child replied, “You know, I really don’t care how you are doing!”
Demonstrating care for others is an important responsibility of the Christian. In fact, the first century Christians were recognized by the saying, “My, how they love one another!” Sadly, that is not true today. Some churches are more like a wrestling match than a worship center.
In His wisdom, God has connected all of us together, believers and nonbelievers. No one is self-sufficient or able to act independently of others and never require help from anyone. We must never think that we are ever excused from the responsibility of giving help to those in need. It’s God’s way, especially for Christians, to show His love to those who are unsaved.
We read in God’s Word that “we will reap whatever we sow.” As someone once said, “You can’t plant corn and expect to get a crop of watermelons.” Although we may not want to believe it, we will only get what we have planted. We see this truth in the laws of nature, and find evidence of it in the laws of God as well. Everything we do has predictable results. If we sow comfort, we can be assured of receiving care. Christians must always live God’s love.
Prayer: Help us, Father, to be alert to the needs of others and sow Your love and grace. May we share the gifts You give us with others, and bless them in Your Name, for Your sake. Amen.
Scripture For Today: Galatians 6:1-10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. 

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