Goodness And God

“Why be good?” he asked. Before I could respond, he answered his own question: “I guess it’s because I can’t have any fun if I'm good. Everything ‘good people’ do is boring at best. It’s like living in a cell in prison. The good times are beyond me.”

But there are at least three basic reasons to “be good.”

The first comes from “looking inside.” Self-respect, for a Christian, comes from honoring the “gift of life” God has given us. Our “life” is a gift from God. However, what we do with our “life” is our gift to God. If we are careless or foolish with the habits we cultivate in the way we live, we put our entire life at risk. This may result in our being unable to fulfill the plan that God has designed for us. Any self-imposed physical “damage” limits our usefulness to God. Care for our bodies, as reflected in a healthy lifestyle, is a priority for the Christian who sincerely wants to serve the Lord.

The second is “looking at.” Others are constantly watching everything we do for two reasons. First, they want to know if we are sincere about our faith. Do we live lives that reflect God’s teachings that are clearly stated in His Word? And, second, does our faith “work?” Does God make a difference in the way we treat others? Do our lives reflect a sense of peace and satisfaction? Where’s “my” joy?

The third is “looking down.” Is God satisfied with our lives? Are we “doing right?” We are all accountable to Him. One day we will stand before Him in judgment and hear what He has to say about the way we have lived. As the hymn says, “He sees all you do.

Prayer:  Lord, it’s not about us, it is about You. May our lives be as You designed them to be - for Your sake. May we live out our faith and please You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. Psalm 14:2 

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