It Depends On The Name

Albert’s dad thought it was time he understood how to write checks. So, he took him to the bank, took his checkbook from his coat pocket and said, “Son, I want you to learn how to write and cash checks today.”

He then began to complete the “blank” check and explained every step to Albert. When he finished, he said, “Now, I’m going to go to the cashier and give her this check, and she will give me the amount of money I requested and I am going to withdraw it. There’s a rather long line waiting for the cashier, so you stay here and wait for me.”

Albert watched others do the same thing: give the cashier a piece of paper and get money in return. Amazed, he decided to do the same with a check from his father’s checkbook.

Very carefully, he completed a check the way his father had taught him. However, when it was his turn at the “window,” the cashier said, “I’m sorry, but your check is no good.”

“But,” Albert protested, “It’s the same as my Dad’s.”

“Not quite,” she responded. “His check has value because his name is on it, and he has money in the bank that we can give him in exchange for the check.”

When you think about it, prayer is like going to the bank and exchanging our needs for God’s “gifts.” But, unlike a bank, the “gifts” are in God’s name, and He is waiting for us to ask Him to exchange our requests for His gifts so He can give them to us. 

Jesus said, “Ask anything in My Name, and I will do it.” The Psalmist said, “Remember the Name of the Lord.”

Prayer:  Father, whatever we need is in Your hands. May we “remember” what wonderful gifts You have waiting for us – if only we ask in Your Name. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the?Lord?our God. Psalm 20:7

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