We can live without oxygen for minutes, without water for days, and without food for months. But we cannot live at all without God or a god we design – perhaps one’s self or someone else. We either live with the God Who is revealed to us in Scripture and the life of His Son or create a god who we think will meet our needs.
If we choose to live without the God Who is revealed in Scripture and the life of His Son, Jesus, we will create a god out of some “thing” or “one” that we believe has power over us or one whose power we believe we need to exist and enlighten us.
Many turn their careers into a god. For them, work becomes a time of worship, and money, and the things that money can buy become their blessings and the rewards they seek. Yet, they find no satisfaction or peace in the things they accumulate because they bring no lasting satisfaction.
Some make pleasure their god. They seek the thrill of an adventure, the journey to a far land, a life filled with bright lights and endless entertainment or death-defying experiences as the sum and substance of a life worth living. In the end, it is a life that becomes empty because enough is never enough.
Others look for the resolution to the emptiness of life in mind or mood alternating chemicals. Whether it is an alcoholic beverage, an “upper” or a “downer” or “new high” or a different “reality” does not matter. The “next fix” or the “bigger dose” is never enough. Life ends unfulfilled and empty. The god in chemicals cannot bring peace. “Their sorrows increase...who run after other gods,” wrote the Psalmist.
Prayer: Father, apart from You, no “god” can satisfy the longing of a heart that You created. Help us, in our lives, to reflect the living God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Troubles multiply for those who chase after other gods. I will not take part in their sacrifices of blood or even speak the names of their gods. Psalm 16:4
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