All Or Nothing -Or - One Touch At A Time

Crowds followed Jesus for many different reasons. Some out of curiosity. Some for His teachings. Some for the miracle of touch that brought healing. He did what no one else had ever done. He brought love and light, hope and healing, truth and salvation.

Keith Miller wrote an interesting book entitled The Second Touch. In it, he spoke of Jesus’ healing of a blind man. There was one occasion when He touched a blind man’s eyes and when he looked around he saw people “like trees walking.” Then Jesus touched his eyes again, and his eyesight was fully restored. It was the “second touch” from Jesus that completed the miracle.

David needed a “second touch.” Feelings of distress and defeat were overwhelming him. But they could not erase previous memories of God’s goodness, greatness, and grace. So he asked God not to withhold His mercy from him and asked God to save him, once again, as he had in the past. Though his sin overtook him, he repented.

He began this Psalm by reminding God that on one occasion he waited patiently and God rescued him and planted his feet “on a rock.” Now, once again, things were different. “God, come quickly! I need You! You saved me before – please do it again. This is more than I can handle. But it is not beyond You.” And God reached out – again

There’s good news here for all of us. David needed that “second touch.” And, later on, he would need “more second touches.” Every time he “needed a touch” he went to God and prayed. And God answered every prayer and gave him many “touches.” That’s the way God works. His outstretched hand is always waiting to “touch us” and retouch us.

When we go to God in prayer, we always expect “all or nothing.” Often, however, our requests are granted in “bits and pieces,” or “one at a time.” Touch after touch after...

Prayer: May we never forget, Father that Your touch comes when we need it most. Increase our faith as we wait for Your “touches!”  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: Be pleased to save me, O Lord. Hurry, O Lord, to help me. Psalm 40:13 

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