Waiting For Results

Fast food restaurants and high-speed internet access have conditioned us to rush our way through life. We resent deeply having to stand in a grocery line, wait for someone to answer a phone call, or return a message. If it isn’t instant, it isn’t worth “my” time.

But there is value in waiting on some things. Especially waiting for God to work His ways and His will in our lives. It was true for David. It certainly is true for us as well.

“I waited patiently for the Lord,” he said. We do not know what David was waiting for or the problems he was facing. It may be that this time of waiting for a response from God was different from the other times he looked to God for help. But it does not matter. There are many instances in the Psalms when David called on God and He responded immediately and rescued him. But this time, however, was different. He not only waited – but he waited patiently. His anxiety did not overpower him. His needs or wants were not driving him to distraction or irrational behavior. No, his mind was focused on God’s love, grace, mercy, and wisdom. From events in his past, he knew God would respond.

And the results of his patience were, as we would say today, unreal. “He turned to me...He heard me...He lifted me...He set my feet on a rock...He gave me a firm place to stand!” From adversity to abundance! 

In humility and submissiveness, he waited for God. He knew that God had the answer that was in his best interests: God wanted to “make him a man after My own heart.”

Prayer: May we learn from David, Lord, to wait on You patiently, knowing that You are at work in us, for us. May we believe, always, in Your goodness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1 

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