Evidence And Facts!

“Take nothing on its looks. Take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule!” wrote Charles Dickens in Great Expectations.

Years later, a fictional detective, Sgt. Joe Friday became famous for the phrase, “Just the facts, Ma’am. All I want are the facts.” If there were no facts, there could be no reliable evidence.

“Shout for joy to God, all the earth...Say to God, ‘How awesome are Your deeds! So great is Your power...All the earth bows down to You,’” wrote David.

Everywhere David looked, he could see God’s “awesome deeds.” And these “deeds” provided all the “evidence” he, and those who met with him in worship, needed to have to believe in the God of Israel.

These “awesome deeds” can be seen in His story: God judging and punishing those who were disobedient to Him; those who broke His laws and disregarded and disobeyed His commandments. They paid the price. His story also includes examples of His countless blessings and unending love, mercy and grace that He graciously, lavishly, and lovingly blest those who trusted and obeyed Him. He protected them and provided for their every need as long as they were obedient to His Word. And He still does that today.

The Bible contains all of the evidence that is needed for us to see the “awesome deeds” of God. In His story He gives us “evidence” and “facts” that are undeniable.

Christian faith is a faith established on facts that cannot be denied. With David we can “Shout for joy!”

Prayer:  Lord, open our eyes to see Your mighty acts of strength and power, Your gifts and goodness, and shout for joy as we worship You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! Your enemies cringe before your mighty power. Psalm 66:3 

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