True Power And Mercy

 “God has spoken once.” Then it seems as if he thought for a moment and then corrected himself. “No,” he said, “Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God!” God had spoken a second time directly to him, but it seems as though he had forgotten about it. That is the value of waiting in silence before God: we can recall His past blessings. When we are patient, we allow God to do His work in our lives and give us His directions!

David was surrounded by false gods and idols. But there was a dramatic difference between his God and the gods of those who did not worship the living God. David’s God, the one true living God, addressed David and His chosen people in words, visions, dreams, angelic visitations and finally in and through His incarnate Son, Jesus.

The fact that God speaks directly to us is a basic difference between Himself and idols. David made a simple, straightforward, significant statement: “...You, O God are strong...You, O God are loving.” David drew a clear distinction between his God and other gods. His God was involved in His life and the lives of His people in guiding and guarding them, in protecting and providing for them.

We could never enjoy or understand, recognize or appreciate the love of God if He did not demonstrate His power, strength, and might. We see His strength and faithfulness in the many victories He gave David over his foes. We can understand the depth of His love and mercy when He forgave David for his sins. And, what He did for David He will do for all who love Him and accept His salvation.

Prayer:  You are mighty, Lord, not only when You defeat powerful enemies, but when You forgave our sins. Help us to realize all that is ours through You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God. Psalm 62:11b-12a 

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