Friends, Followers And Faith

Will and his friends had an enjoyable afternoon playing in his back yard. Suddenly, there was a severe disagreement and he shouted, “Go home. I can play by myself.”

His father heard the “noise” and asked, “What happened, Son?”

Angrily he said, “They wouldn’t let me have my turn on the teeter-totter, so I told them to go!”

“Well,” said his Dad, “let me see how it works with you on one end and no one else on the other.”

Life is very much like a teeter-totter. We need others to make it “work.” And, no matter how many friends we may have, it seems like there is always room for another one.

But, who we choose to have as friends is very important. Our friends tend to tear us down, may give us strength, or cause us to stumble. Often, they lead us closer to the Lord or, unfortunately, come between us. A wise proverb reads, “Tell me whom you are with, and I will tell you what you are.”

We are not like roses. If we find a bush full of beautiful roses in a field of weeds, it will not take away from their fragrance or beauty. Friends are different because of the influence they have on us. And, it seems more likely that it is easier for them to get us involved in their vices than we are to get them involved in our virtues.

Wisely, the Psalmist said, “I am a friend to all who fear You, to all who follow Your precepts.”

Prayer:  Guide and guard us, Lord, as we choose our friends. Make us aware of their influence on our lives so that we will choose carefully. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  I am a friend to all who fear You, to all who follow Your precepts. Psalm 119:63

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