“Jet away from it all” was a successful advertising campaign of a major airline a few years ago. “If you need to get away from it all, we can help you make it happen” was the intent of their message.
Many people, however, spend their entire life trying to get away from “it” all. But is “it” the problem? Some move from one job to another. Others, from one spouse to another. Then there are many who “bar hop” - looking for the perfect drink and a place to make friends and find counsel. Confused minds and broken hearts often cause people to seek help from others who have no hope to offer.
“What’s going on?” we might ask.
It’s like a person who has been injured and is in so much pain that he can’t be still. He tries to “walk it off” only to discover that the pain and injury are inside and follow him wherever he goes.
So it is with life. “What’s going on” is that we cannot run away from ourselves or our problems! They follow us wherever we go.
If we want relief from the pain and problems of our past, it is possible. If we choose to carry the guilt and grief, shame and sorrow, that troubles our mind and disturbs our peace, it is because we want to. Life is choice.
The Psalmist wrote, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?” The guilt and grief, pain and problems that trouble us during the day and keep us awake at night are God’s Spirit convicting us of our need to repent from our sinful ways. It is Christ pursuing us wherever we go - calling us to “come back. Let Me rescue you!”
Prayer: Thank You, Father, for loving us so much that You refuse to give up on us. Teach us to hear Your voice. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? Psalm 139:7
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