Living Fear-Free

“It’s above me, around me, in me and under me,” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“Fear,” came the reply. “I am afraid of everything and everybody, anything and any place.”
David gave us a good prescription for fear.
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you.” In one brief verse he provides three steps to control our anxieties:
Step One: Commit our concerns. The word “commit” contains a unique picture: it is as though you would “roll” the burden, problem or threat from yourself to God. Imagine putting all your concerns in a wheelbarrow and then rolling them into the presence of God and “dumping” them out at His feet. What a joy!
Step two: Fortify our faith. When we leave our concerns with God, we know that not only does He care about them, but He has the ultimate responsibility for their solution. We have His Word that – “He will help!”
Step three: Trusting God does not mean that He will remove every problem or give us everything we want. But it does mean that He is totally responsible for our well-being and will meet every need.
Prayer: Help us, Lord, to take You at Your Word, to know that you will calm our every fear, give us Your everlasting peace, and provide for all our needs. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.

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