Thomas Edison worked many years to develop a light bulb. The day finally arrived when his first one was ready to be tested. He turned to his lab technician and said, “Take this downstairs and let’s turn it on!”
The technician was filled with excitement as he left the laboratory. As he ran down the stairs, he slipped, fell and broke the bulb.
Discouraged but not defeated, Edison went on to make his second bulb. When it was finished, he turned to the same technician and said, “Take this downstairs and let’s turn it on!” With the same amount of excitement, but more cautious, he carefully took the bulb downstairs and the experiment was completed successfully.
More often than not, it is easy to give up when things do not turn out as we expect them to. In a moment of despair we find it easier to turn our backs on projects that fail or goals that crumble. But even though we may make a mess of things, God has not nor ever will give up on us. The Lord, speaking through Joshua, said, “Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go!”
What a gracious promise of His presence and power!
Prayer: Lord, may we always work with You to turn every tragedy into triumph and every disaster into a delight that honors You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Joshua 1:1-9 Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
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