Sin is sin.
There’s no way around it. Some ridicule those who fear it. Some try to hide it. Some look forward to doing it. Some suffer horrible consequences because of it. Some do their best to avoid it. Some can’t get enough of it.
Some have ways of classifying sins. One sin, to some, may be worse than another sin. “If you do it, it’s a sin! But if I do it, well, it’s a mistake or something that could not be avoided.” Or, “God was testing me, and it was more than even the best Christian could resist. It got me!”
Many consider the rich, wealthy, or prosperous to be devious and dishonest, sinister and sinful, unable to be honest and helpful because they are successful. They cannot believe that what the rich have is a result of clean living, hard work, honoring God and serving others. However, this position cannot be supported by Scripture.
There is nothing wrong with being wealthy or rich or successful. What makes the difference? “Those who trust in their riches will fail, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.”
Many who have riches are also very righteous. They recognize that what they have comes from God, and in turn, honor Him from the abundance of His gifts and with hearts that are pure. What we have and do with what we have, proves our motives and what we love.
The Bible clearly states that the problems of the rich do not come from their riches, but from the way they relate to worldly wealth. Thank God for their wealth if they use it to honor and glorify Him. However, it’s not what they do with God’s blessings, but what I do with mine.
Prayer: Father, whatever I have are gifts that come to me from Your love and grace. What I do with them, and how I use them, proves how much I love You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture For Today: Proverbs 11:28 Those who trust in their riches will fail, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.
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