Look And Learn

There are many stories about birds in the Bible. And they all have their place. But of all the birds mentioned, the raven is close to the bottom of the list as far as having any importance. It is a large blackbird and belongs to the crow family. It is noisy and has a loud, rough, very emphatic cry. It’s not a bird that is filled with grace and charm.

Even young ravens, while in their nest, have a coarse call - especially at feeding time. Even so, when they call for food, the Lord hears them, and their mother then feeds them.

Jesus once said, “Look at the ravens - they don’t plant or harvest or have barns to store away their food, and yet they get along quite well. God feeds them. And you are far more important and valuable to Him than birds.”

If the Lord hears the cry of young birds for food, how much more will He hear the cry of His believers when they call out for mercy? If He looks out for birds, how much more will He look out for us? But we must do our part.

Shovels are not made to lean on; they are made to dig with. We cannot expect God to do for us what we will not do for ourselves. Work is as much a part of life as prayer and worship. Never forget that Jesus worked for a living before He began His public ministry. Even though His Father created the world, Jesus set an example for us by working to meet His needs. Our ability to work is a gift from God, and He expects us to work to the best of our ability and for His glory.

The writer of Proverbs said it best: “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity.”

Prayer:  Thank You, Lord, for the ability to work. Help us follow Your example and do what we do to honor You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Today's Bible Verse:  He gives food to the wild animals and feeds the young ravens when they cry. Psalm 147:9

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